Wednesday, 3 April 2013

He Did Deliver Me from Bondage

If you are seeking for some good reading materials that will sharpen your focus on the Saviour, I would recommend 'He Did Deliver Me From Bondage' by Colleen Harrison. The book is a 12 step programme for addiction recovery, based on the 12 steps that are found in the Alcoholics Anonymous 'Big Book'. It also incorporates principles from the Book of Mormon to give a workbook that is designed to help people overcome addictive behaviours. The book has a wider application as it can be applied to all manner of issues and problems in a sense wider than addiction recovery. By following some basic (and correct) principles the book opens up a practical process that encourages a break away from independent self reliance and promotes a Saviour focused reliance that has application for many of life's troubles. The beginning of the whole process unfolds as we admit that we are wholly reliant on Him. Sister Harrison, herself, has struggled with addictive behaviours that caused her to re-evaluate her own life. Sometimes when struggling with poor emotional health it can be easy to seek solace from many of the world's enticements. Food, alcohol, drugs, pornography etc. can offer an alluring escape from reality. The problem comes as we proceed down these paths we are ensnared by the adversary and need rescuing. Conversely those in the grips of mental health difficulties need rescuing too. By steering clear of dangerous paths our rescue is more straightforward. At the heart of it all, Jesus Christ stands ready to rescue and deliver us, whatever path we have taken and I am utterly convinced that he will come to our aid.

When did I first notice I had OCD type issues?

I was always a worrier as a child. As I grew up and passed from adolescence and into adulthood the worries were worse than ever before. It seems to me that I just adapted to living with worries. It was only as I got older that my worries became more pronounced. For example I would worry about being ill, checking for unusual signs of illness. When i worked as a cook I would be too focused on cleaning up, a little scared that any left over food or associated dirt would cause illness. It seems from my reading that adolescence and early adulthood are the times when OCD and other mental health conditions can kick in. That was what happened to me. I was diagnosed in my early to mid twenties and since then I have develpoed an understanding that has seen me move forwards,

OCD Cleaning

I watched a show recently called "Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners". It is a show on Channel 4 (in the UK) which matches up members of the British public with an OCD person who is obsessed with cleaning. It is watchable but offers a few limited insights into OCD. A thought that I had relates to the public perception of OCD. For some it is viewed as a quirky little phenomenon that might drive people to having a tidy and clean home. You might hear the comment, "I'm a bit OCD about that", which is most likely directed to some issue related to order or sanitary housekeeping. Maybe this is true. Perhaps OCD is more of a spectrum of issues than a black and white condition. In other words maybe we're all "a bit OCD". The public might erroneously observe some value in OCD. In fact I once spoke with a doctor who suggested my issues might be helpful in getting things done. I don't suffer as much as some. I know that there are people for whom stable and comfortable living is impossible. Some individuals have compulsions that have taken over their lives. There is a good article on OCD-UK about this. It refers to the idea of being "a bit OCD" and draws comparison with some of the people who are struggling to cope.